Year at a Glance

Language Arts

Comprehension Strategies
1. Visualization ( Sept)
2. Inferring (Oct)
2. Making Connections (Nov-Dec)
3. Determining importance (Jan-Feb)
4. Summarizing (Mar-April)
5. Questioning( May)
6. Synthesizing ( June)

Reading Skills
1. Finding Main Idea (Sept)
2. Recalling Facts and Details (Sept)
3. Understanding Sequence (Oct)
4. Recognizing Cause and Effect (Oct)
5. Comparing and Contrasting (Nov)
6. Making Predictions (Dec)
7. Finding word meaning in context (Jan)
8. Drawing Conclusions and Making Inferences (Feb)
9. Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion (Mar)
10. Understanding Author’s Purpose (April)
11. Interpreting Figurative Language (May)
12. Summarizing (May- June)

Writing Traits
1. Ideas and Content ( Sept-Oct)
2. Fluency (Nov- Dec)
3. Word Choice(Jan)
4. Voice ( Feb)
5. Organization ( Mar-April)
6. Conventions ( May-June)

Writing Forms

1. Personal Narrative: Auto biography(Sept-Oct)
2. Short Fiction (Nov)
3. Biography (Dec)

1. Literacy Nonfiction
·         explain, persuade, fact, brochures, text feature    (Jan)
2. Expository Nonfiction
·         featured article, report (Feb)
3. Essay
·         persuasive (Mar)
·         Descriptive ( Mar)

1. Formal Letter
·         business, informative, persuasive (April)
2 .Friendly Letter ( May)
3. List and Procedures ( June)

Novel Studies
1. “Among the Hidden”,  by Margaret Peterson Haddix
2. “No Talking”,  by Andrew Clements
3. “The Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing”,  by Judy Blume
4. “Fatty Legs”, by Christy Jordan-Fenton & Margaret Pikiak- Fenton
5. “ A Stranger at Home”, by Christy Jordan-Fenton & Margaret Pikiak- Fenton


Grade 6
Grade 5
Patterns and Equations
. Extend understanding of patterns and relationships in tables of values and graphs
. Extend understanding of preservation of equality
. Extend understanding of patterns and relationships using expressions and equations involving variable

. Represent, analyze and apply patterns using mathematical language
. Write, solve and verify solutions of single-variable, one-step equations with whole numbers coefficients and whole number solutions

Whole Numbers
.Demonstrate understanding of place value for numbers greater than 1 million and less than one thousand
. Demonstrate understanding of factors and multiples of numbers less than 100, relating factors and multiples to multiplication and division
. Demonstrate understanding of the order of operations on whole numbers
. Represent , compare and describe whole numbers to 1,000,000 within the context of place value and base ten system

Multiplication and Division
. Extend understanding of multiplication and division to decimals
. Develop strategies for multiplication of whole numbers
. Understand division ( 3-didgit by 1-didgit)
. Apply strategies for estimation and computation
Fractions and Decimals
. Demonstrate understanding of percent
. Demonstrate understanding of fractions to improper fractions and to mixed numbers
.  Demonstrate an understanding of ratio

. Understand equivalent fractions and compare fractions with like and unlike denominators
. Understand decimals to thousandths
. Understand addition and subtraction of decimals         ( limited to thousandths)
. Demonstrate an understanding of perimeter of polygons, area of rectangles, and volume of right rectangular prisms

. Construct rectangles given either perimeter, area or both
. Understand measuring length and the relationship between mm, cm and m units
. Understand volume for cm3 or m3 units
. Understand capacity between mL and L
. Demonstrate and understanding regular and irregular polygons
. Demonstrate an understanding of the first quadrant of the Cartesian plane and ordered pairs with whole number coordinates
. Demonstrate an understanding of single and combinations of transformations of 2-D shapes
. Provide examples of edges and faces of 3-D objects, and sides of 2-D shapes
. Identify and sort quadrilaterals
. Analyze single transformations of 2-D shapes
Statistics and Probability
. Extend understanding of data analysis
. Demonstrate an understanding of probability
. Differentiate between first-hand and second-hand data
. Construct and interpret double bar graphs
. Compare, predict, and test the likelihood of outcomes in probability situations


Grade 6
Grade 5
Self-regulation/ Healthy Stress Management Strategies
.  Assess and demonstrate strategies used to identify and make healthy decisions in stressful situations (USC 6.4)
. Assess the importance of self-regulation and taking responsibility for ones actions ( USC 6.4)
Healthy Eating and Physical Activity/ Personal Eating Practices
. Analyze the factors that influence the development of personal standards and identity, and determine the impact of healthy decision making (USC 6.1)
. Analyze personal eating practices ( USC 5.1)

.  Demonstrate an understanding of how non-curable infections, including HIV and Hepatitis C infection, are transmitted and how these infections influence the health and the identities of self, family and community (USC 6.3)
. Analyze the challenges of infectious diseases, and non-infectious illnesses/diseases to holistic well-being             (USC 5.3)
Influence of Relationships/ Self-Esteem
. Analyze the influences on perceptions of and personal standards related to body image, and the resulting impact on the identities and the well-being of self, family and community                   ( USC 6.5)
. Assess how health promotions and advertising standards and behaviours and determine how and why certain groups of consumers are targeted (USC 6.7)
. Analyze the connections among personal identity, well-being, and positive self-image ( USC 5.4)

. Understand the responsibilities associated with puberty


Grade 6
Grade 5
Life Science: Habitats and Communities

Earth and Space Science: Weather

. Measure and present weather
. Investigate local, national and global weather conditions
. Analyze the impact of weather on society and the environment
Physical Science: Electricity

.Assess personal, societal, economic, and environmental impacts of electricity use in Saskatchewan and propose actions to reduce those impacts 
. Investigate the characteristics and applications of static electric charges, conductors, insulators, switches and electromagnetism
. Explain and model the properties of simple series and parallel circuits

Forces and Simple Machines

. Analyze the effects of gravitational, magnetic and mechanical forces
. Investigate characteristics of simple machines moving and lifting loads
. assess how natural and man-made forces and simple machines affect individuals, society and the environment
Diversity of Living Things
. Recognize, describe, and appreciate the diversity of living things in local and other ecosystems, and explore related careers
. Examine how humans organize understanding of the diversity of living things
. Analyze the characteristics and behaviors of vertebrates


Grade 6
Grade 5
Resources and Wealth:
. Examine and analyze factors that contribute to quality of life, including material and non-material factors     (RW 6.1)
.Explain the importance of sustainable management of the environment to Canada’s future (RW 5.1)
. Hypothesize about economic changes that Canada may experience in the future(RW 5.2)

Dynamic Relationships:
.Analyze ways in which the land affects human settlement patterns and social organization, and ways in which human habitation affects land     ( DR 6.2)

. Analyze the historic and contemporary relationship to the land in Canada ( DR 5.1)
Power and Authority:

. Explore examples and explain how people, such as ethnic minority groups, the disabled, youth, and the elderly, may be affected by injustice or abuses of power ( PA 6.3)
. Explain the purposes and functions of governance structures in Canada ( PA 5.1)
. Explain the purposes and functions of governance structures in Canada, including First Nations systems and those patterned on the Westminster parliamentary system   (PA 5.2)

. Examine the social and cultural diversity that exists in the world, as exemplified in Canada and a selection of countries bordering the Atlantic ocean ( IN 6.2)
. Develop an understanding that global interdependence impacts individual daily life in Canada and a selection of countries bordering the Atlantic ocean  (IN 6.3)
. Analyze the evolution of Canada as a multicultural nation (IN5.2)

Physical Education

Sports/ Activities to apply attained skills
Active Living:
Enjoy and engage in healthy levels of participation in movement activities to support lifelong active living in the context of self, family and community.

Skillful Movement:
Enhance quality of movement by understanding, developing and transferring movement concepts, skills, tactics, and strategies to a wide variety of movement activities.

Balance self through safe and respectful personal, social, cultural, and environmental interaction in a wide variety of movement activities.

. Complex Locomotor Skills
. Locomotor Skills
. Complex Non-Locomotor Skills
. Manipulative Skills
. Complex Manipulative Skills
. Movement Refinement
. Skillful Play
. Tactics, Rules and Strategies

. Volleyball
. Basketball
. Badminton
. Soccer
. Dance
. Gymnastics
. Track and Field

Fairhaven School