Circle of Courage Award

The Circle of Courage philosophy is used in our classroom to promote generosity, belonging, independence and mastery. It creates a sense of community and provides students with a framework for using similar language. Each month a student is recognized for their achievements in one or all of the areas and receives the Circle of Courage award. The award is giving during a talking circle where we discuss class achievements and goals. During this time students are also asked to recognize one of their classmate's strengths.   



Dorian received the circle of courage award in the areas of generosity, mastery, independence and belonging. He has been applying himself in all subject areas and gives 110% all the time. When he needs clarification, he asks, and he is always wondering how he can do better and improve his marks. Dorian is also a leader in our classroom and I am very proud of him. 

Peter received the circle of courage award in the areas of independence and mastery. Peter uses his class time wisely to ensure that all of his assignments are handed in on time, this has been a goal for Peter. He has been applying himself in all subject areas and his mark represent his efforts. Good job Peter!

Meena has been applying herself in all subject areas. She takes her time to ensure that her assignments are done to her fullest potential. If Meena is unsure about a topic she seeks clarification and practices until she understands the concept. She is a hard worker and is a pleasure to have in the classroom. 

Colby received the circle of courage award for mastery, generosity, and independence. Whenever one of his friends are in need Colby is the first to lend a hand or offer help. He has been focused during class and is monitoring how he spends class time to complete all of his assignments. Good job Colby!


Sam received the Circle of Courage award in the area of independence. Sam has been applying himself in all subjects and putting effort into every assignment. He is making good choices and has become a leader within our classroom. He made the choice that he is going to have a good year and he is. Good job Sam and congratulations.  

James received the Circle of Courage award for the areas of independence and mastery. James has been working really hard and submitting quality work, he currently has straight A’s. He has shown a growth in maturity and recognizes that he is capable of great things when he puts the time and effort it. Good job James and congratulations.   

Fairhaven School