Guardian/ Parent Package

Welcome back for another school year! I hope that everyone had a wonderful and relaxing summer. My name is Danielle Pacholko and I am looking forward to working with your child this year.  This is my sixth year teaching and I am coming to you from Regina. I am excited to be at Fairhaven this year.   
I have put together this handbook of information to help you and your child become familiar with my expectations, as well as the content that will be covered this school year.

Classroom Expectations: 
  • I ask that my students treat their classmates, themselves, along with other individuals of Argyle School with respect
  • All assignments will be completed to the best of the student’s ability.
  •  Students will take responsibility for themselves and their actions.
  • Follow simple but increasingly more complex directions.
Homework Expectations:
I am aware that students are involved in many activities outside of school. I feel that these activities are vital to their growth and development. Therefore, I will provide ample amount of time for your child to complete his/her work in class.  However, if more time is required for completion or students are not using their class time wisely, they will be asked to take their assignments home for homework.  

·         Notes from home: Small incidents and questions, requests for early dismissal for appointments, etc ... can be written in your child’s agenda. I will check agendas every morning.
·         Phone:  I will contact you directly if there is a significant concern, or in the event of an emergency.
  • Field trip permission notes will be sent home prior to a trip.  Additional requests for bus fares, volunteers and/or admission fees may also be made for these trips. All funds must be submitted in exact change or in a cheque form.
  • Please make sure that your child’s personal property is clearly labelled with their name.
  • When sending money, please enclose the coins/bills in an envelope or bag, marked with your child’s name.


The Saskatchewan Education Curriculum will be followed in all subject areas. The core units in each subject area will be covered and integrated where applicable. For you to have a better understanding of what your child will be learning this year, I have attached a curriculum handout detailing the core units for each grade. For more information about the Saskatchewan Learning Curriculum, please visit

While there will be three reporting periods: November, March and June , you are welcome to contact me at any time to discuss your child’s progress.
I will use a variety of evaluation tools to ensure that I can obtain the most accurate assessment of your child’s level of performance. The assessment tools that I will use are as follows:

mini quizzes                                      exams                                 anecdotal records observation                                      notes                                   rubrics                      checklists                                          self-evaluations                 oral evaluations

Subject Areas:
Language Arts: 
            The emphasis of my reading program is fostering the development of your child’s reading strategies and to encourage them to become confident readers. Reading strategies will be modeled and practiced while experiencing texts from a variety of genres and cultural traditions.
            The writing program focuses on practicing the writing process and developing the writing traits. Students will develop their writing skills through a variety of techniques and styles.
            Speaking, listening, viewing and representing will be incorporated into the Language Arts program on a weekly basis.

Language Arts areas of focus:
·         Variety of reading and writing genres
·         Exposure to a variety of reading materials (short stories, novels, poems, etc.)
·         Spelling program
·         Grammar and dictionary skills
·         Comprehension
·         Home reading program
·         Reading Strategies
·         Novel studies
·         Writer’s workshop

Grade 5:
·         Patterns and Equations
·         Whole Numbers
·         Multiplication and Division Facts
·         Measurement
·         Fractions and Decimals
·         Geometry
·         Statistics and Probability
·         Transformations

Grade 6:
·         Patterns and Equations
·         Whole Numbers
·         Decimals
·         Angles and polygons
·         Fractions, Ratios, Percent
·         Geometry and Measurement
·         Data Analysis and Probability

·         Self-regulation/Healthy Stress Management Strategies
·         Personal Eating Practices/ Healthy Decision Making
·         Diseases
·         Advertising/ Body Image
·         Puberty

·         Diversity of Living Things
·         Weather
·         Electricity
·         Forces and Simple Machines

·         Relationship to Land ( Mapping)
·         Needs and Wants
·         Canadian Government
·         Multiculturalism

Physical Education:

·         Active Learning perspective
·         Movement perspective
·         Personal-social-cultural perspective
            All the above mentioned perspectives will be taught throughout the year with each of the following activities:  volleyball skills, basketball skills, cooperative games, dance, gymnastics, soccer, badminton, track and field.


            I strongly believe that open communication between home and school is vital to your child’s success this year. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (306) 683-7210or via e-mail:

“Working Together For Educational Excellence”

Fairhaven School